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TTL Yogyakarta

History Ticket To Life Sultan Agung Yogyakarta



The history of the formation of the Ticket To Life (TTL) troops of Sultan Agung Kwarda XII Yogyakarta Special Region, went through 4 (four) stages or processes, namely:


A.   Understanding Ticket To Life (TTL)

B.   National Webinar

C.   Technical Guidance for Preparation of Proposals

D.  Workshop on Ticket To Life Project.

E.   Formation of The Ticket To Life Troops Of Sultan Agung


 Let's explain the history of the formation of Ticket To Life (TTL) in Sultan Agung Yogyakarta Indonesia 


A.   Definition of Ticket To Life (TTL)

What is Ticket to Life? The Ticket to Life (TTL) program is a program launched by the World Organization of the Scout Movement which focuses on uplifting the dignity of children from poor families and problem families by embracing and inviting them to join non-formal scouting education. What is Ticket to Life? The Ticket to Life (TTL) program is a program launched by the World Organization of the Scout Movement which focuses on uplifting the dignity of children from poor families and problem families by embracing and inviting them to join non-formal scouting education.

The goal is that they can one day become good citizens, and so that those who roam the streets can get the same opportunity to study in school.

Since 2006, WOSM has developed a TTL program that elevates the dignity and dignity of children from poor and pre-prosperous families, which was pioneered by the Kenya Scout Association and continues to grow in 2007 was rolled out to other National Scout Organizations (NSO) such as in Bangladesh, the Philippines, India, Mongolia, Nepal, Pakistan, Sri Lanka, and the Indonesian Scout Movement.

The focus of the TTL program is not only to get street children to study in formal schools, they also continue to be nurtured and trained so that they can have skills by studying in the Scout Movement. This means that the Scout Movement complements the quality of education of street children in formal schools by building their character and mentality to be stronger. With the sincere spirit of the Scouts sustainably running this program, it will help the government greatly in reducing the burden on the country to face such complex social problems.

According to data from the world, there are currently approximately 3,000 street children joining the TTL program and they have shared the benefits with another 12,000 children around the world. 

Ticket To Life (TTL) is a Scout effort to provide a better future for young people.

Ticket To Life (TTL) is an educational program, there should be a roadmap for areas interested in TTL development, program concepts, and link and match, where street children already feel life is met with scouting education.

The presence of this TTL program can provide assistance and education for street children who are usually labeled negative and parasitic to become more useful human beings.

Based on the description above, then Indonesia, in this case, the National Kwartir of the Scout Movement adopted the Ticket To Life (TTL) program in 2007 from the World Scout Bureau – Asia Pacific support Center (WBS – APR) and has been implemented in several countries such as Bangladesh, India, Indonesia, Nepal, the Philippines, and Thailand as a form of concern for disadvantaged children/adolescents (who are on the streets / Street Children).


The name Ticket to Life initially felt foreign, yes indeed because it was only introduced in general in Indonesia in 2021, although previously there was already famous Ticket to Life troops, namely the Jayakarta and Central Kalimantan Ticket to Life Troops. As for the other kwartir region almost non-existent. With the background of wanting to introduce and form a Ticket to Life team in every Kwartir region in Indonesia, a National Webinar was held.


B.   National Webinar 


The purpose of holding the National Webinar is to improve and introduce/socialize the expansion of the adoption of the TTL program in the ranks of the Kwartir Scout Movement, the Kwartir National Scout Program in collaboration with the World Scout Bureau – Asia Pacific Support Center (WBS – APR).

Hope after participating in the "Ticket To Life" Webinar, provides many benefits, including increasing the awareness and participation of Scout Coaches in raising the dignity and dignity of disadvantaged children / Street Children, complementing the quality of their education in formal schools by building character and mentality to be stronger. Scout coaches understand some of the material described in the webinar, especially for disadvantaged children/ Street Children. With the participation of the webinar, it is hoped that the Scout Coach together with related parties will be able to continue the Ticket To Life program that has existed since 2007.

This National Webinar is titled "National Webinar on the Acceleration of Ticket To Life Program in the Kwartir Ranks of the Scout Movement". Method of conducting webinars online / online (online). online via zoom meeting held for representatives of the brothers and sisters of the Kwartir Regional Scout Scouts and Kwartir Branches throughout Indonesia. The implementation time is Tuesday - Friday, April 13 - 16, 2021.

The material presented in the Webinar includes: 

1.    Material How the Ticket To Life Project Works 

2.    Material Educational Principles and their Implications for the Teaching-Learning Process 

3.    Material Understanding Vulnerable Children in Indonesia delivered by DR. Kanya Eka Santi, MSW as Director of Children's Social Affairs 

4.    Material Keeping Scouts Safe from Harm 

5.    Material Telling the Story 

6.    Material Workshops on Documentation and Reporting 

7.    Material Presentation of Edited Sample Documentation from Participants

From the results of participating in this webinar, the author will follow up with:

1.         Create and propose a draft of the Ticket To Life Program through Pusdiklatcab and Kwartir Daerah, at the Kwardtir region meeting in Yogyakarta, through:

2.         Material Exposure 

3.         Proposed formation of a Kwarcab/ Kwarda-level Working Group 

4.         Compiling TOR and Time Schedule 

5.         Proposing regulation and funding 

6.         Conducting hearings for coordination and socialization to:

7.         Head of Kwarda D. I. Yogyakarta 

8.         Sleman District Social Service 

9.         KPPPA Sleman Regency 

10.     TTL Program Socialization Workshop for Trainers and Coaches


C.   Technical Guidance for Preparation of Proposals 


The activity entitled Technical Guidance "Preparation of the 2021 National Level Ticket To Life Training Program", the implementation time on 9-12 November 2021 for 4 (four) days virtually (online) through the zoom application (Zoom Meeting), starting at 09.00 – 16.00 Western Indonesia Time (WIB).

The location of Bimtek activities " at the National Kwartir Office of the Scout Movement Jalan Medan Merdeka Timur No.6 Jakarta 10110 as a central server and carried out online via zoom meeting. 

The purpose of Engineering guidance is to increase the awareness of members of the Scout Movement to problems in the community, develop and increase the expansion of the ticket to life program in the ranks of kwartir, as an implementation of the recommendations of the National Ticket to Life Webinar activities in April 2021, and provide support/advocacy for the formation of TTL troops in the ranks of kwartir.

The target of organizing the Technical Guidance (Bimtek) activity "Preparation of the 2021 National Level Ticket To Life Training Program" is to accelerate the formation of troops in 5-8 bases/clusters in the ranks of the Kwartir Scout Movement, including the development of programs in the Kwartir Scout Movement which already have similar programs by synergizing government programs with the Asia Pacific Region TTP program.

The implementation of the Technical Guidance activity "Preparation of the 2021 National Level Ticket To Life Training Program" includes: 

1.   Pre Technical Guidance 

The implementation of Technical Guidance "Preparation of the 2021 National Level Ticket To Life Training Program" began with the registration of National Webinar Ticket To Life alumni participants in April 2021 who had completed the Follow-up Plan. The participants were spread from representatives of 20 Kwartir Regions throughout Indonesia. This activity is a continuation of the previous webinar which was attended by representatives from 34 Regional Kwartir throughout Indonesia with the output of Engineering guidance implementation is participants gaining knowledge, insight, understanding, and concrete programs from the execution of the TTL program.

2.   Unveiling

The Technical Guidance Activity "Preparation of the 2021 National Level Ticket To Life Training Program" was opened by Kak GKR Mangkubumi as Chairman of the Community Service Commission (Abdimas) of the National Kwartir Scout Movement.

The direction of GKR Mangkubumi includes:

  1. Many thanks to all parties for the implementation of the webinar Engineering guidance for the formulation of the TTL program, which has also been attended by speakers who will provide education.
  2. Currently, there is still a lot of homework, especially in this Ticket To Life program. How do we help programs from the ministry, especially for younger siblings who must have the same opportunity to pursue education, formal, scouting, or non-formal outside other schools?
  3. The top priority of the TTL is humanity. Fellow human beings have the opportunity to learn anywhere and anytime. They also have the same opportunity, character education (through scouting). 
  4. From the economic side, they also need, not only character education but culture is also built so that they understand and are proud of their region, proud of Indonesia.
  5. In TTL there will be entrepreneurial activities that are necessary. From the economic side, it is hoped that they can change professions. For those who are on the streets, struggling to live, survival is very hard, and how to pull back into the house, from the economic side is also guided through training.
  6. The invitation of the Chairman of the Abdimas Commission to the participants to be able to jointly compile the TTL program, not only in three special regions but in all regions and can be used next. Create interesting programs tailored to the characteristics of each region and the companions who will later become TTL troops.

3.   Core 

Technical Guidance Activity "Preparation of the 2021 National Level Ticket To Life Training Program", there were at least 9 materials obtained by the participants from resource persons who were representatives of the National Kwartir and National Kwartir partners such as Ministries/Institutions and other related organizations.

These materials include Training Orientation delivered by Kak Putu Ngurah Sonny Sanjaya (Kwarnas); Challenges and opportunities in the formation of the TTL force by Kak Brata T. Hardjosubroto (Kwarnas); Synergy and Technical Implementation of Cooperation in the Coordinating Ministry of PMK with the TTL Program by Dr. Yohan, M.Si., Asdep for Youth Empowerment, Deputy for Coordination for Improving the Quality of Children, Women, and Youth.

Then the material on Synergy and Technical Implementation of Program Cooperation between the Ministry of KPPA and the TTL Program by Kak Ratna Oeni Cholifah (Associate Expert Policy Analyst for Special Protection of Children, Ministry of PPPA); mater in Understanding the Psychology of Child Development Aged 10-16 years by Kak Stefany Valentia, M.Psi., Psychologist from GPA Indonesia.

Training Program Priority Material and Involvement of Coaches, Trainers, Instructors, and Community Leaders by Mr. Moh. Iqbal of the Pusdiklatnas element of the Scout Movement; Material for Preparation of Training Program for TTL Troops by Kak Rio Ashadi (Kwarnas); Reporting and Disseminating Information on Social Media by Kak Sukma Widya (Kwarnas); and the last is the Sharing Program / Formation of Groups / Regional Coordinators of the TTL Program from the LPKA Palangkaraya TTL Team. 

Training Program Priority Material and Involvement of Coaches, Trainers, Instructors, and Community Leaders by Mr. Moh. Iqbal of the Pusdiklatnas element of the Scout Movement; Material for Preparation of Training Program for TTL Troops by Kak Rio Ashadi (Kwarnas); Reporting and Disseminating Information on Social Media by Kak Sukma Widya (Kwarnas); and the last is the Sharing Program / Formation of Groups/ Regional Coordinators of the TTL Program from the LPKA Palangkaraya TTL Team.

4.   Closing

The implementation of technical guidance for the preparation of the Ticket To Life (TTL) Program virtually for four days from Tuesday (November 9, 2021) to Friday (November 12, 2021) has been completed and officially closed by Kak Saul Saleky, the National Mainstay of the Community Service Commission (Abdimas) representing the leadership of Kwarnas.


D.  Workshop on Ticket To Life Project

Following the circular issued by the Kwartir National (Kwarnas) Scout Movement to all Kwartir Regions, that in November, November 14 - 16, 2022, a Workshop on the Ticket To Life Project has been held. The workshop was held in collaboration between Asia-Pacific Region (APR) Scout and Kwartir Nasional at Tasneem Hotel Yogyakarta Indonesia.

Participants from Indonesia and the National Scout Organization (NSO) such as Malaysia, Thailand, and several other countries re-registered on November 13, 2022. The following is the general schedule of the APR Ticket To Life Workshop.

The first day of the workshop, Monday (November 14, 2022) began with an integration

session (Integration Session Workshop Expectation) followed by an official opening and explanation related to the Ticket To Life Project, and how Ticket To Life operates/works.

Participants received Safe From Harm material, updates on the situation in Southeast Asia, NSO presentations, and bilateral meetings between NSOs present.

As previously stated, the Ticket to Life (TTL) Program is one of the efforts to participate in overcoming social problems which is the implementation of the Pramuka Peduli Program at the Cluster level. Scouts as part of the community can take part in efforts to foster problem children through scouting education in the Cluster.

On the second day after breakfast, participants received material on Telling the Story, Workshop on Documentation and Reporting, and an educational tour to several predetermined locations ending with dinner.

On the third day, the workshop materials were Diversity and Inclusion Identities Emotional Support to Youth, Messenger of Peace (MoP) Procedure and the Fluxx System (online), Open Forum for Evaluation of agendas and activities, and closing ceremony.

This follow-up from Workshop requires each regional kwartir to make a proposal and implement it by forming an army and conducting exercises.

E.    Formation of The Ticket To Life Troops Of Sultan Agung

Armed with the spirit of devotion and carrying out follow-up workshops, and based on 9 fields, efforts were made to form a Ticket To Life (TTL) force in coordination with parties with the Kwartir Region of the Yogyakarta Special Region, the Ticket To Life (TTL) Force of SLB Negeri 2 Sewon, Bantul, Yogyakarta, Indonesia was determined. Furthermore, the improvement of the proposal was carried out and sent to APR through the National Kwartir, and a coordination meeting was held by making a draft Cooperation Agreement (Memorandum of Understanding / MoU) between the Kwartir of the Yogyakarta Special Region and the SLBN 2 Bantul. It was agreed that the practice day is every Friday from 09.00-11.00, and the Inaugural Exercise starts on January 13, 2023.

We hope that Ticket To Life (TTL) Yogyakarta will be of real benefit.

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