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TTL Yogyakarta




JANUARI 2023 (Bulan ke-1)  
JANUARY 2023 (1st Month)

1.  Memulai kegiatan pertama kali pada hari Jumat tanggal 13 Januari 2023 pukul 09.00-11.00 Waktu Indonesia Barat, Upacara bendera untuk mengawali Giat Latihan Ticket to Life di SLBN 2 Sewon Bantul tanggal 13 Januari 2023, dengan pembina upacara sekaligus Kamabigus adalah Kak Astuti Hermawati, S.Pd., M.Pd., pesan penting yang beliau sampaikan adalah  ajakan bangkit dan semangat untuk mengawali kegiatan Pramuka terlebih bersamaan dengan pelaksanaan program Ticket to Life di SLBN 2 Bantul serta ucapan terima kasih atas bantuan TTL, semoga ke depan memberi manfaat dan hasil nyata untuk kemandirian peserta. Sebagai peserta upacara adalah peserta didik sekitar 80 orang, pembina Pramuka dan guru pendamping sekitar 25 orang,  serta tim TTL. Materi latihan pada pertemuan TTL hari pertama, Jumat 13 Januari 2023 adalah observasi pada baris-berbaris, dengan implementasi pada  upacara bendera, latihan baris dengan tongkat, penyamaan persepsi materi untuk para pembina dan guru pendamping yang nantinya menangani langsung peserta, kemudian dilanjut dengan latihan baris-berbaris  secara berkelompok diakhiri ruang ria dan doa.

  Start activities for the first time on Friday, January 13, 2023, at 09.00-11.00 Western Indonesia Time, the flag ceremony to start the Active Ticket to Life Training at SLBN 2 Sewon Bantul, with the supervisor of the ceremony, as well as Kamabigus, is Kak Astuti Hermawati, S.Pd., M.Pd., the important message he conveyed was an invitation to rise up and enthusiasm to start Scout activities, especially in conjunction with the implementation of the Ticket to Life program at SLBN 2 Bantul and thank you for TTL's assistance,

Hopefully, in the future, it will provide benefits and tangible results for the independence of participants. As participants in the ceremony were about 80 students, Scout coaches and accompanying teachers about 25 people, and the TTL team.

The training material on the first day of the TTL meeting, Friday, January 13, 2023, was an observation on the marching line, with the implementation of the flag ceremony, a line exercise with a stick, equalization of material perceptions for the coaches and accompanying teachers who would directly handle the participants, then continued with a line-marching exercise in groups ending with a fun and prayer room.

2. Kegiatan kedua, 20 Januari 2023. Keseruan Dinamika Kelompok dalam rangka pembentukan Regu Giat kedua Ticket to Life Sultan Agung Yogyakarta, 20 Januari 2023, lokasi SLBN 2 Sewon Bantul. Hadir seluruh trainer, pembina dan guru pendamping sejumlah 26 orang Peserta Didik Berkebutuhan Khusus (PBK) 80 orang. Diawali dengan upacara bendera bertindak selaku pembina upacara Kaka Sri Antepi, mengajak seluruh peserta untuk tiang ria senang mengikuti giat. Peserta didik mulai aktif bergerak, senang.

   The second activity is on January 20, 2023. The excitement of Group Dynamics in the context of forming the second Active Team Ticket to Life Sultan Agung Yogyakarta, January 20, 2023, the location of SLBN 2 Sewon Bantul. All trainers, coaches, and accompanying teachers were present, totaling 26 students with special needs (PBK) and 80 people. Starting with the flag ceremony acting as the supervisor of the Kaka Sri Antepi ceremony, and inviting all participants to enjoy participating hard. Learners begin to actively move, are happy


3.    Gelar Latihan ketiga Pasukan Ticket to Life Sultan Agung Yogyakarta, tanggal 27 Januari 2023, bertindak sebagai Pembina Upacara Kak Wahyana, S. Pd. isinya himbauan untuk semangat berlatih, tepat waktu. Materi latihan berupa riang ria permainan air,  tali temali, latihan pengibaran bendera.

The Third Training of the Ticket to Life Troops of Sultan Agung Yogyakarta, on January 27, 2023, acting as Ceremony Supervisor for Kak Wahyana, S.Pd. it contains an appeal to the spirit of practice, on time. The training materials included fun water games, rigging, and flag-raising exercises.


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